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Thursday, March 31, 2011


I think I've finally got this page the way I want it.  At least the title is much better.  And the look is very ME.  Now if I can just make the content interesting...  haha


Don't you hate it when you're in the car.  And you have to pee.  And it's raining.  And you're running late.  And you're stuck in traffic.  And the car in front of you is a stinkmobile polluting every molecule of air around you.  And it's raining.  And you have to pee.  And you're running late.  And the car in front of you is a stinkmobile.  And you're stuck in traffic.  And it's raining.  And you're stuck in traffic.  And you have to pee.  And there's  a-b-s-o-l-u-t-e-l-y  n-o-t-h-i-n-g  you can do about it.  And it's raining.


Whyyyyy do I always put things off until the last minute?  I would elaborate but I think I'll wait and do it later.  Okay, okay... stop booing.  A pitiful attempt at humor.  Sometimes the energy of throwing something together in the final moments adds an element of immediacy and drama.  I used to be frustrated in college (as an undergrad) when I'd start a paper early and get it done in advance only to wind up with a mediocre grade.  And my throw-it-together-at-the-last-minute paper would score really high.  WHAT kind of motivation is THAT?  Same thing with projects at work or presentations.  I'm regularly rewarded for behaving badly, therefore, I continue to do it and waller in guilt for acting irresponsible or childish.  But most of the time, I manage to make deadline even when I keep putting whatever-it-is off.  Of course, now that I have that in black-and-white (or in this case, sage green), I've hexed myself and I'll miss deadline on something really important coming up.  -sigh-  But will that stop me from procrastinating? Oh. Probably not. Ask me later.


Okay.  I just started this page because I was told I ought to consider doing the blogging thing.  So here I am.  Now, uh... I have to run to an appointment so I can't spend a lot of time making this look really cool or plugging in my bio information and such.  But before I go, I just have to say, coming up with a name for this page had me stumped.  And now I think it's kind of stupid.  "'Normal' is overrated..."  That makes me sound like a tard when I was going for witty and self-deprecating.  FAIL.  And I haven't figured out how to change it yet so it must remain for awhile.  Blech.  I'm hoping my creativity and cleverness will make a return appearance so I can fix that.  But, I must run.  I'm always late for things.  Now is no exception. Sigh. Once again, I'll be slinking into the chiropractor's office 10 minutes late.  The receptionists will whisper about me behind the desk, assuming I can't hear them whining about my lack of punctuality, when in fact I CAN HEAR THEM JUST FINE.  Harumph.  Receptionists.