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Monday, June 20, 2011


My trash can magically reappeared.  ???  While my neighbors aren't exactly Einstein clones, I didn't take them to be raving lunatics.  This is so bizarre!  Who steals nasty ole trash cans?  And then returns them?  Well, fine.  At least I don't have to go buy another one.  And let's face it.  It's a trash can.  It's hardly a family heirloom.

I'm wondering if the magical reappearance has something to do with the city workers and their big noisy machines chewing up my yard last week.  These long yellow tubes are being plugged into everybody's front lawn up and down the street.  I believe AT&T is putting in fiber optics.  Woop-tee-doo.  I'm still not going to order their service.  Lay alllllll the lines you want, boys. I distinctly remember AT&T's rotten customer service from past experiences and no amount of fancy wires is going to change my mind.  I suppose it could be the cable company.  But I'm not dealing with them either.  Hooray for non-AT&T cell phones and satellite TV.  Now could you please fill all these ugly holes?  I know you've got a job to do, but you're wasting your time here.  And my poor grass.  Please don't leave me with a yard of DIRT like last summer.

But I will say... if those workers had something to do with my trash can reappearing, then I salute them.  Now.  If only they could get their buddies with the city to come pick up the big pile of broken limbs that's been sitting near the curb since our rash of storms and tornadoes several months ago.  That would be quite welcome.  I'm not sure why it's taking the city so long to pick up the brush pile.  I suppose they're fully occupied with digging holes.

But hey.  At least I have my trash can back.

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